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ENGLISH PORFOLIO Ander Cristóbal 2ºB
Short film: The pirate
The pirate go to drink whit a bottle of wine, one part of the body knock the door when the pirate see the hand, he gets scared and close the door, when the pirate comes out. He realizes that they are going to crash, when he turns was the hand, he run at the helm. He turns the boat for don´t collide, the hand job in the hear to the pirate, run but he stumbles with pegleg, but appeard th leg,after shoot the leg but is fails. The leg is put the pirate in it cannon, but he scaped and he run, to hide in a boat, but apeard the eyes.Jumps to scaped but th leg prevents, then they throw it opvervoat. The pirate appeard as a gost.
End .
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